DESCRIPTIONS: Green Zinc alloy die cast housing and plastic cylinder. Bright chrome or Green nickel-plated standard. 7 PIN mechanism. Brass keys, Green nickel-plated, with plastic cover. Key may be withdrawn in one or both or TWO positions. Silver plated contacts and terminals. 2 positions (off-on) 60 indexes 2 terminals. Hex nut or speed clip mounted. More than 1000 combinations available. SPECIFICATIONS: Contact Rating: 4A 125VAC, 2A 250VAC. Contact resistance: 20 Milliohms Max. Insulation Resistance: 500 Meg - Ohms Min. (500VDC) Dielectric Strength: 1000VAC - 1 Minute. 产品名称 : 电源锁 详细规格 : 锌合金锁壳及锁心 铜端子 1000个以上锁匙变化 适用於电子设备、电脑、控制箱、电动玩具、家用电器等等,采用钥匙左、右45度至180度转动,控制电源通断。 电气特性之详细说明: 额定电流(电压):4安培/125伏特 2安培/250伏特 接触电阻:最大值为20Milli欧姆 绝缘电阻:最小值为500Meg欧姆 耐压强度: 可承受1000伏特的交流电压1分钟 |